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New Hampshire's Transparency Portal
New Hampshire's Transparency Portal
State Expenditure Register
This is your source to know where the money goes.

State expenditures are recorded when payments are made or when amounts are accrued on the State’s balance sheet. They are reported either at an individual payment level or at a summary level in certain circumstances (payroll, employee benefits, etc.) in the State’s Book of Record, “Statement of Appropriation” and may be viewed on these pages with the exception of any expenditures for the “enhanced 911 system” excluded from right to know by RSA 106-H:14.

The State Expenditure Register allows the viewing of spending by vendor, agency, activity, accounting unit, expense class and detail account. Vendor name may be redacted as noted in RSA 9-F:1. All agencies have been provided a tool by the Department of Administrative Services to remove the Vendor Name from the State Expenditure Register if an agency determines that a vendor redaction is needed. This does not, however, remove the agency name, activity name, accounting unit name or the dollars associated with the expenditure. Payments from balance sheet accounts are not included in the State Expenditure Register.

Beginning July 1, 2020, in compliance with Chapter 8, Laws 20, the Check Register contains two additional fields called “Activity Project Number” and “Activity Project Description”. These activities are assigned by agencies to track related expenditures; for projects, federal programs, and more recently COVID-19. In addition, beginning July 1, 2023, in compliance with RSA 21-I:13, XIX, instructions have been added to illustrate how to search for federal relief funds disbursed.

To search the State Expenditure Register, please use web browser Internet Explorer version 9 or higher, enable JavaScript Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol, then make your selections from the drop-down list below:

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Level: State
Entity: State of NH
Type: Expense
Fiscal Year:
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Advanced Search Instructions Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol

Federal Relief Search Instructions Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol New!

Expenditure Glossary Terms

Download Fiscal Year Transactions


This website contains detail expenditure transactions which are uploaded to the website periodically, at least quarterly. All expenditure transactions are posted to the website including internal transactions which do not relate to any payee/vendor/customer. These non-vendor transactions will display "Not Applicable" in the vendor field on the detail transaction page. During the year, more and more transactions will be loaded to the website, including correcting entries which may reverse or change the effect of previous entries. The original entry is not modified on the website but both the original and subsequent correcting entry will be included. The total of all transactions for a fiscal month will agree to the corresponding months Statement of Appropriation Expenditure total.

Some of the expenditure data is considered private or protected under state and federal laws. If a payee/vendor/customer name is protected by law, the vendor name will be displayed as "REDACTED" on the detail transaction page.

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